The International Center Quantum Computing and Quantum Technologies (QUTIS), led by Prof. Enrique Solano, develops cutting-edge theoretical research for the sake of fundamentals and applications in interdisciplinary fields related to quantum computing and quantum technologies. We relate concepts in quantum optics (Prof. Xi Chen), quantum information (Prof. Iñigo Egusquiza), quantum matter (Prof. Enrique Rico), quantum sensing (Dr. Jorge Casanova), microwave quantum technologies and quantum architectures (Dr. Mikel Sanz), and quantum artificial intelligence (Prof. Enrique Solano). QUTIS Center is a dynamic, hard-working, and creative network of research groups led by world-class leaders with wide interests in arts, physics, science, technology, and entrepreneurship. We are strongly driven by intellectual curiosity, keeping as our main goal our aesthetic and scientific expression in an interdisciplinary and international environment. At the same time, we constantly search that our original cross-disciplinary ideas have a realistic approach towards experimental implementations and technological applications. QUTIS Center is committed to the team-oriented production of novel and influential ideas at the highest research level, where creative and innovative concepts merge with quantum technologies.
——- Publications of 2023
Galicia, A.; Ramon, B.; Solano, E.; Sanz, M. Enhanced connectivity of quantum hardware with digital-analog control. Phys. Rev. Research 2023, 2, 033103.
Ding, Y.; Huang, T.Y.; Paul, K.; Hao, M.; and Chen, X. Smooth bang-bang shortcuts to adiabaticity for atomic transport in a moving harmonic trap. Phys. Rev. A 2023, 101, 063410.
Kong, Q.; Ying, H.; Chen, X. Shortcuts to Adiabaticity for Optical Beam Propagation in Nonlinear Gradient Refractive-Index Media. Entropy 2023, 22, 673.
Hu, F.; Lamata, L.; Wang, C.; Chen, X.; Solano, E.; Sanz, M. Quantum Advantage in Cryptography with a Low-Connectivity Quantum Annealer. Phys. Rev. Applied 2023, 13, 054062.
Olivares-Sánchez, J.; Casanova, J.; Solano, E.; Lamata, L. Measurement-Based Adaptation Protocol with Quantum Reinforcement Learning in a Rigetti Quantum Computer. Quantum Reports 2023, 2(2), 293-304
Zhang, J.N.; Arrazola, I.; Casanova, J.; Lamata, L.; Kim, K.; Solano, E. Probabilistic eigensolver with a trapped-ion quantum processor. Phys. Rev. A 2023, 101, 052333.
Sun, J.; Chen, Y.; Chen, X.; Zhang Y. Bright solitons in a spin-tensor-momentum-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate. Phys. Rev. A 2023, 101, 053621.
Wang, Z.; Casanova, J.; Plenio, M.B. Enhancing the Robustness of Dynamical Decoupling Sequences with Correlated Random Phases. Symmetry 2023, 12(5), 730.
Xu, T.N.; Jing Li, Busch, T.; Chen, X.; Fogarty, T. Effects of coherence on quantum speed limits and shortcuts to adiabaticity in many-particle systems. Phys. Rev. Research 2023, 2, 023125.
Hu, F.; Lamata, L.; Wang, C.; Chen, X.; Solano, E.; Sanz, M. Quantum advantage in cryptography with a low-connectivity quantum annealer. Phys. Rev. Applied 2023
Cong, L.; Felicetti, S.; Casanova, J.; Lamata, L.; Solano, E.; Arrazola, I. Selective interactions in the quantum Rabi model. Phys. Rev. A 2023, 101, 032350.
Ding, Y.; Martín-Guerrero, J.D.; Sanz, M.; Magdalena-Benedicto, R.; Chen, X.; Solano, E. Retrieving quantum information with active learning. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2023, 124, 140504.
Munuera-Javaloy, C.; Arrazola, I.; Solano, E.; and Casanova, J. Double quantum magnetometry at large static magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. B 2023, 101, 104411
Xin, T. et. al. Quantum algorithm for solving linear differential equations: Theory and experiment. Phys. Rev. A 2023, 101, 032307.
Arrazola, I.; Plenio, M.B.; Solano, E.; Casanova, J. Hybrid Microwave-Radiation Patterns for High-Fidelity Quantum Gates with Trapped Ions. Phys. Rev. Applied 2023, 13, 024068.
Gonzalez-Raya, T.; Lukensvdf, J.M; Céleri, L.C.; Sanz, M. Quantum Memristors in Frequency-Entangled Optical Fields. Materials 2023, 13(4), 864
Parra-Rodriguez, A.; Lougovski, P.; Lamata, L.; Solano, E.; Sanz, M. Digital-analog quantum computation. Phys. Rev. A 2023, 101, 022305.
Albarrán-Arriagada, F.; Retamal, J.C.; Solano, E.; Lamata, L. Reinforcement learning for semi-autonomous approximate quantum eigensolver. Machine Learning: Science and Technology. 2023, 1 015002.
腾讯网游加速器破解版 v2.0 无限试用 绝地求生加速器免费 ...:2021-6-2 · 关于网游加速器破解版,系统迷挺少分享的,主要原因还是和谐太快。一个可用版本分享出来,没过多久就有可能会失效。所伍,大家要做好心理准备,想要长期使用,基本是不可能的。 很多小伙伴拿网游加速器,用得最多的就是绝地求生了。
Martin, A.; Lamata, L.; Solano, E.; Sanz, M. Digital-analog quantum algorithm for the quantum Fourier transform. Phys. Rev. Research 2023, 2, 013012
Silva, F.; Sanz, M.; Seixas, J.; Solano, E.; Omar, Y. Perceptrons from memristors. Neural Networks 2023, 122, 273
Esmaeilpour, T.; et al., Experimental Investigation of Ultraweak Photon Emission from Murine Neural Stem Cells, Scientific Reports 2023, 10, 463
Sherkatghanad, Z.; et al, Automated Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Convolutional Neural Network, Frontiers in Neuroscience 2023, 13, 1325
Hu, F.; Lamata, L.; Sanz, M.; Chen, X.; Cheng, X.; Wang, C.; Solano, E. Quantum computing cryptography: Finding cryptographic Boolean functions with quantum annealing by a 2000 qubit D-wave quantum computer. Phys. Lett. A 2023, 3, 126214
——- Publications of 2023
雷神加速器破解版2021下载-雷神手游加速器破解版无限试用 ...:2021-6-12 · 雷神加速器破解版2021是一款强大的手游辅助加速软件,整个软件内容十分好用,操作简单方便,可伍对大多数游戏进行加速,维护器网络稳定性,防止掉线,快速重连,不影响玩家的游戏体验,需要的朋友快来小黑手游网下载体验吧!破解说明软件伍完成破解,用户可伍无限
Gonzalez-Raya, T.; Cheng, X.H.; Egusquiza, I.L.; Chen, X.; Sanz, M.; Solano, E. Quantized Hodgkin-Huxley Model for Quantum Neurons, Phys. Rev. Applied 2023, 12, 014037
Forn-Díaz, P.; Lamata, L.; Rico, E.; Kono, J.; Solano, E. Ultrastrong coupling regimes of light-matter interaction, Rev. Mod. Phys. 2023, 91, 25005
Pogorzalek, S.; Fedorov, K. G.; Xu, M.; Parra-Rodriguez, A.; Sanz, M.; Fischer, M.; Xie, E.; Inomata, K.; Nakamura, Y.; Solano, E.; Marx, A.; Deppe, F. ; Gross, R.; Secure quantum remote state preparation of squeezed microwave states, Nat. Commun. 2023, 10, 2604
Casanova, J.; Torrontegui, E.; Plenio, M. B.; García-Ripoll, J. J.; Solano, E. Modulated Continuous Wave Control for Energy-efficient Electron-nuclear Spin Coupling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2023, 122, 010407
Alaeian, H.; Chang, C.W.C; Vahdani Moghaddam M.; Wilson C.M., Solano E.; Rico, E.; Lattice gauge fields via modulation in circuit QED: The bosonic Creutz ladder, Phys. Rev. A 2023, 99, 053834
Wang, Z.Y.; Lang, J.E.; Schmitt, S.; Lang, J.; Casanova, J.; McGuinness, L.; Monteiro, T.S.; Jelezko, F.; Plenio, M.B. Randomisation of Pulse Phases for Unambiguous and Robust Quantum Sensing. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2023, 122, 200403
Arrazola, I.; Solano, E.; Casanova, J. Selective Hybrid Spin Interactions with Low Radiation Power, Phys. Rev. B 2023, 99, 245405
Agustí, A.; Solano, E.; Sabín, C. Entanglement through qubit motion and the dynamical Casimir effect, Phys. Rev. A 2023, 99, 052328
Parra-Rodriguez, A. ; Egusquiza, I. L.; DiVincenzo, D. P.; Solano, E. Canonical circuit quantization with linear nonreciprocal devices, Phys. Rev. B 2023, 99, 014514
Puebla, R.; Casanova, J.; Houhou, O.; Solano, E.; Paternostro, M. Quantum simulation of multiphoton and nonlinear dissipative spin-boson models, Phys. Rev. A 2023, 99, 032303
Lupo, E.; Napoli, A.; Messina, A.; Solano, E.; Egusquiza, I.L. A continued fraction based approach for the Two-photon Quantum Rabi Model, Scientific Reports, 2023, 9, 4156
Cárdenas-López, F. A.; Sanz, M.; Retamal, J. C.; Solano, E. Enhanced Quantum Synchronization via Quantum Machine Learning, Adv. Quantum Technol. 2023, 1800076
Lamata, L.; Alvarez-Rodriguez, U.; Martín-Guerrero, J. D.; Sanz, M.; Solano, E. Quantum autoencoders via quantum adders with genetic algorithms, Quantum Sci. Technol. 2023, 4, 014007
Yu, S.; Albarran-Arriagada, F.; Retamal, J. C.; Wang, Y.T.; Liu, W.; Ke, Z.J.; Meng, Y.; Li, Z.P.; Tang, J.S.; Solano, E. ; Lamata, L.; Li, C.F.; Guo, G.C. Reconstruction of a Photonic Qubit State with Reinforcement Learning, Adv. Quantum Technol. 2023, 2, 1800074
安卓加速器下载_安卓加速器手机版下载【官方安卓版 ...:2021-6-8 · 安卓加速器可伍彻底清理内存,管理个人隐私,节省电量,让你的手机时刻处于最佳状态。1 手机加速功能: 可伍查看运行于后台的进程,程序,并 ...
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Puebla, R. ; Zicari, G.; Arrazola, I.; Solano, E.; Paternostro, M.; Casanova, J. Spin-boson model as a simulator of non-Markovian multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings models, Symmetry 2023, 11(5), 695
Zhang, X.; Zhang, K.; Shen, Y.; Zhang, S .; Zhang, JN.; Yung, MH.; Casanova, J.; et al. Experimental quantum simulation of fermion-antifermion scattering via boson exchange in a trapped ion, Nature communications 2018, 9(1), 195, 7
Lamata, L.; Parra-Rodriguez, A.; Sanz, M.; Solano, E. Digital-analog quantum simulations with superconducting circuits, Advances in Physics 2018, 3(1), 1457981
Rico, E.; Dalmonte, M.; Zoller, P.; Banerjee, D.; Bogli, M.; Stebler, P.; Wiese, U.J. SO(3) Nuclear Physics with ultracold Gases. Annals Phys. 2018, 393, 466-483
Casanova, J.; Puebla, R.; Moya-Cessa, H.; Plenio, MB. Connecting n th order generalised quantum Rabi models: Emergence of nonlinear spin-boson coupling via spin rotations, npj Quantum Information 2018, 4(1), 47
Alvarez-Rodriguez, U.; Sanz, M.; Lamata, L.; Solano, E. Quantum artificial life in an IBM quantum computer, Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 26
Haase, JF.; Wang, ZY.; Casanova, J.; Plenio, MB. Soft Quantum Control for Highly Selective Interactions among Joint Quantum Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 121 (5), 050402
Fedorov, KG.; Pogorzalek, S.; Las Heras, U.; Sanz, M.; Yard, P.; Eder, P. et al. Finite-time quantum entanglement in propagating squeezed microwaves, Scientific Reports 2018, 8 (1), 6416, 4
Pedernales, JS.; Beau, M.; Pittman, SM.; Egusquiza, IL.; Lamata, L.; Solano, E. Dirac Equation in ()-Dimensional Curved Spacetime and the Multiphoton Quantum Rabi Model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 120 (16), 160403, 12
Lv, D.; An, S.; Liu, Z.; Zhang, JN.; Pedernales, JS.; Lamata, L.; Solano, E.; Kim, K. Quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi model in a trapped ion, Physical Review X 2018, 8 (2), 021027, 28
Casanova, J.; Wang, Z.Y.; Schwartz, I.; Plenio, MB. Shaped Pulses for Energy Efficient High-Field NMR at the Nanoscale, Physical Review Applied 2018, 10 (4), 044072
Perlin, MA.; Wang, Z.Y.; Casanova, J.; Plenio, M.B. Noise-resilient architecture of a hybrid electron-nuclear quantum register in diamond, Quantum Science and Technology 2018, 4 (1), 015007
Capela, M.; Sanz, M.; Solano, E.; Céleri, L.C. Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and dissipation in driven classical Hamiltonian systems, Physical Review E 2018, 98 (5), 052109
Grimaudo, R.; Lamata, L.; Solano, E.; Messina, A. Cooling of many-body systems via selective interactions, Physical Review A 2018, 98 (4), 042330, 6
Lamata, L.; Alvarez-Rodriguez, U.; Martín-Guerrero, J.D.; Sanz, M.; Solano, E. Quantum autoencoders via quantum adders with genetic algorithms, Quantum Science and Technology 2018, 4 (1), 014007, 13
Albarrán-Arriagada, F.; Retamal, J.C.; Solano, E.; Lamata, L. Measurement-based adaptation protocol with quantum reinforcement learning, Physical Review A 2018, 98 (4), 042315, 13
Klco, N.; Dumitrescu, E.F.; McCaskey, A.J.; Morris, T.D.; Pooser, R.C.; Sanz, M. et al. Quantum-classical computation of Schwinger model dynamics using quantum computers, Physical Review A 2018, 98 (3), 032331
Arrazola, I.; Casanova, J.; Pedernales, J.S.; Wang, Z.Y.; Solano, E.; Plenio, MB. Pulsed dynamical decoupling for fast and robust two-qubit gates on trapped ions, Physical Review A 2018, 97 (5), 052312
Albarrán-Arriagada, F.; Barrios, G.A.; Sanz, M.; Romero, G.; Lamata, L. et al. One-way quantum computing in superconducting circuits. Physical Review A 2018, 97 (3), 032320, 6
Cheng, X.H.; Arrazola, I.; Pedernales, J.S.; Lamata, L.; Chen, X.; Solano, E. Nonlinear quantum Rabi model in trapped ions, Physical Review A 2018, 97(2), 023624, 9
Xin, T.; Pedernales, J.S.; Solano, E.; Long, G.L. Entanglement measures in embedding quantum simulators with nuclear spins, Physical Review A 2018, 97 (2), 022322, 5
雷神加速器破解版2021下载-雷神手游加速器破解版无限试用 ...:2021-6-12 · 雷神加速器破解版2021是一款强大的手游辅助加速软件,整个软件内容十分好用,操作简单方便,可伍对大多数游戏进行加速,维护器网络稳定性,防止掉线,快速重连,不影响玩家的游戏体验,需要的朋友快来小黑手游网下载体验吧!破解说明软件伍完成破解,用户可伍无限
Felicetti, S.; Rossatto, D.Z.; Rico, E.; Solano, E.; Forn-Díaz, P. Two-photon quantum Rabi model with superconducting circuits, Physical Review A 2018, 97 (1), 013851, 22
Puebla, R.; Casanova, J.; Plenio, M. B. Magnetic field fluctuations analysis for the ion trap implementation of the quantum Rabi model in the deep strong coupling regime, Journal of Modern Optics 2018, 65 (5-6), 745-753
迅游加速器_迅游加速器合集_免费迅游加速器-南京若白网络 ...:2021-6-13 · 迅游通过动态路由调整、全运营商的节点部署、7x24小时全网络动态监控、测速和数据中转等技术,有效解决玩家在网游中遇到的延时过高、登录困难、容易掉线等问题。支持加速的有:网络游戏、对战平台、网页游戏及语音加速等。
Sanz, M.; Lamata, L.; Solano, E. Quantum memristors in quantum photonics, APL Photonics 2018, 3 (8), 080801, 8
Parra-Rodriguez, A.; Rico, E.; Solano, E.; Egusquiza, I.L. Quantum networks in divergence-free circuit QED, Quantum Science and Technology 2018, 3 (2), 024012, 7
Cárdenas-López, F.A.; Lamata, L.; Retamal, J.C.; Solano, E. Multiqubit and multilevel quantum reinforcement learning with quantum technologies, PloS one 2018, 13 (7), e0200455, 7
Domínguez, F.; Gutiérrez, M.J.; Arrazola, I.; Berrocal, J.; Cornejo, J.M. Et al. Motional studies of one and two laser-cooled trapped ions for electric-field sensing applications, Journal of Modern Optics 2018, 65 (5-6), 613-621, 4
Sanz, M.; Lamata, L.; Solano, E. Quantum memristors in quantum photonics. APL Photonics 2018, 3, 080801
Sanz, M.; Fedorov, K.G.; Deppe, F.; Solano, E. Challenges in Open-air Microwave Quantum Communication and Sensing, IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), 2018, 2, 1-4